Public Projects > Roos' Habitat-Fotomat Tunnel
Roos' Habitat-Fotomat Tunnel

Origin: Roos Arts Gallery
449 Main Street, Rosendale, New York, USA
449 Main Street, Rosendale, New York, USA
October 2 to November 13, 2010
"You Are Here" Artists in Residence:
A group show in collaboration with Simon Draper's Habitat for Artists. Simon built a 6 x 6' shed inside the gallery, inviting artists to work on site.
"You Are Here" Artists in Residence:
A group show in collaboration with Simon Draper's Habitat for Artists. Simon built a 6 x 6' shed inside the gallery, inviting artists to work on site.

Destination: Fotomat booth
Route 32, Rosendale, New York, USA
Route 32, Rosendale, New York, USA
I wanted to connect Simon's art shed with the abandoned Fotomat on the other end of Main Street. But the landlord wouldn't call me back. So...

The Plan: pretty self-explanatory

Day One: progress
...Rosendale was a cement town afterall.

Day Nine

Day Eleven

Day Twenty

Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-Nine

Day Thirty-Two

Installing the view from inside the Fotomat, inside the shed inside Roos Gallery.

Day Thirty-Six: Tunnel Complete